Have a traffic ticket? Let Etheridge, Hamlett & Murray, LLP in Nashville, NC, help you. Every day our attorneys are in the traffic courts representing clients just like you with problems like yours. We have the experience and knowledge to get you the very best result possible.
An improperly handled traffic ticket can have devastating consequences on you, your license, and your finances.
A significant part of our traffic court practice is representing clients with simple speeding tickets. Interstate 95 runs through Nash County, and many speeding tickets are given to out-of-state drivers just passing through North Carolina. Most of the time we can handle these matters without the need for our client to ever make an appearance in court. We know you do not want to go to court, and in most simple speeding ticket cases, you never will.
In North Carolina, if you are convicted of certain traffic violations, you get points added to your driving record. Accumulation of a certain amount of points during a certain time period can lead to penalties like a driver’s license suspension or revocation. The points given for traffic offenses are higher if the offense is committed “while operating a commercial motor vehicle.”
In addition to the fines and penalties that the court might impose, conviction of certain traffic offenses will result in the loss of your privilege to drive in North Carolina. If you are licensed to drive by a state other than North Carolina, any conviction in a North Carolina court may be reported to the licensing state, which could result in license suspension or revocation in that state.
In addition to DMV points, North Carolina drivers are also subject to the Insurance Point System. The North Carolina Department of Insurance regulates insurance rates in North Carolina. A driver’s auto insurance rate goes up based upon the number of insurance points they receive during a 3-year period.
The following are the increases that will be assessed against an insured based upon the number of insurance points received:
Offense | Points |
Speeding to Elude Arrest | 10 |
Driving While License Revoked (DWLR) | 8 |
Aggressive Driving | 8 |
Careless and Reckless Driving | 4 |
Hit and Run (Property Damage Only) | 4 |
Passing a Stopped School Bus | 4 |
Speeding > 75 mph when speed limit is < 70 mph | 4 |
Speeding >80 mph when the speed limits is >= 70 mph | 4 |
Driving after consuming alcohol by persons < 21 years old | 4 |
Illegal Passing | 2 |
Following Too Closely | 2 |
Speeding > 10 mph in a zone > 55 mph and < 76 mph | 2 |
Speeding <= 10 mph and in a zone >= 55 mph | 2 |
Other Moving Violations | 1 |
One Point = 25%
Two Points = 45%
Three Points = 60%
Four Points = 80%
Five Points = 105%
Six Points = 130%
Seven Points = 160%
Eight Points = 190%
Nine Points = 225%
Ten Points = 260%
Eleven Points = 300%
Twelve Points = 340%
Your Hard-Earned Money
For example, if you pay $400.00 per year for your auto insurance and you receive a ticket for speeding 82 in a 70 mph zone, if you are found guilty of that offense, your insurance cost per year would jump to $720 per year for 3 years. That doesn’t even include the court costs and fine that would be imposed!
Depending upon the facts of the case and your prior driving record, with this same charge of speeding 82 in a 70 mph zone, we may very likely be able to have the charge amended or reduced to a non-moving violation, resulting in NO increase in your insurance premiums. This can usually be done without you ever having to appear in court!
It is well worth your while to have an experienced attorney representing you when it comes to traffic offenses. Make sure the lawyer you choose knows the law and has the experience and expertise necessary to get you the very best result possible under your circumstances.
Imagine life without a driver’s license. Now give Rick Hamlett a call for a free, no-cost assessment of your situation at (252) 459-9000.
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